My Top 3 Style Resolutions for 2015

It’s time to close the door on 2014 and welcome 2015. I’ve always been a nerd about new beginnings, and I get especially nerdy around the start of a new year! I’ve seen a lot of bloggers posting their favorite outfits from 2014, which I love seeing, but since I didn’t take too many pictures this year, I thought I would look ahead to what I want to do differently in 2015. With that in mind, I came up with my top 3 style resolutions for 2015.

1. I will quit coveting items that aren’t right for me just because I see them on a lot of different blogs.

Case in point: the Target plaid blanket scarf:

Oversized Plaid Scarf - Multicolored

This puppy has been all over my Feedly this fall and winter, and I wanted it badly! I stalked the website and went to a couple of different locations that said it was in stock, but I kept coming up empty handed. Then one day, in a stunning moment of clarity, I realized that I had a whole drawer of scarves that I rarely wear because I’m pretty hot-natured. Why would I add another one to it just so I could keep up with other bloggers? I just saved myself $17 plus tax, which leads me to resolution 2.

2. I will set a monthly clothing/shoes/accessories budget and stick to it. 

Sometimes, when I remember to keep up with what I purchase each month (oops), I will participate in Franish’s Budgeting Bloggers linkup. Every time I do, I’m pretty stunned to see how much I’ve spent on clothes/shoes/accessories that month! We have a lot of financial goals that we would like to reach in 2015, and I’ve got more than enough to wear, so I’m going to limit myself to $100 per month. That should be plenty to restock basics as I figure out where my wardrobe’s holes are. I won’t count any gift cards from doing surveys or any consignment store credit in this since that’s not money coming out of our budget.

3. I will learn to remix my wardrobe and better define my style.

I’m contemplating buying the Hello, Gorgeous! online membership course from Greater Than Rubies. It’s supposed to focus on finding your style and remixing your wardrobe. She always looks fantastic, and the price is reasonable, so I think it could be really beneficial for this resolution…and beyond!

Bonus resolution 1: I will learn to properly use my camera and editing software.

This one isn’t necessarily style related, but it relates to the blog! My camera is about five years old, so it doesn’t have some of the cool features that today’s newfangled cameras have (I’m not sure what cool features I’m talking about; I just wanted to sound like an old prospector). However, I do know that I have a problem with blurry, out of focus shots (like the one below), and I would like to figure out how to solve that. I also want to figure out how to sharpen my images a little more and play with the focus by using editing software.


It’s all a blur to me…

Bonus Resolution 2: I will do some housekeeping on the blog.

This blog is a bit…messy. I’ve got a ton of tags, categories, and labels, along with some pictures that don’t even show up anymore! I want to take time to clean things up and get everything looking a little better. After all, if my images are going to look better, shouldn’t the blog? 😉

Do any of you have style resolutions for next year? Please share them!

About amberiam

I am Amber. Amber I am. I like to write things that sound like a Dr. Seuss book, evidently.

2 responses »

  1. Love, love, love how intentional your thoughts were in number one! That is a very hard thing to do. I hope this year will be full of blessings for you and your family!


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